1. Blockchain at the Peak of Hype: Legal Risks and Opportunities / A.Yu. Ivanov (head of a team of authors), M.L. Bash- katov, E.V. Galkova et al ; National Research University Higher School of Economics, HSE Institute for Law and Devel- opment - Skolkovo. – 2nd edition. Moscow : Publishing House of the Higher School of Economics, 2018.
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3. Blockchain at the Peak of Hype: Legal Risks and Opportunities / A.Yu. Ivanov (head of a team of authors), M.L. Bash- katov, E.V. Galkova et al ; National Research University Higher School of Economics, HSE Institute for Law and Devel- opment - Skolkovo. – 2nd edition. Moscow : Publishing House of the Higher School of Economics, 2018. P. 35.
4. Millar J. 2017: When Ethereum Will Go from IT to Enterprise // CoinDesk. 2017 // URL: https://www.coindesk. com/2017-ethereum-will-go-enterprise/
5. Reforms in the Electric Power Industry. Operational Efficiency in the Digital World // URL: https://www.pwc.ru/ru/ publications/reimagining-the-electric-utility-final-june-2017.html
6. Digital Transition in the Electric Power Industry of Russia. Expert Analytical Report / under the general editorship of V.N. Knyagin and D.V. Kholkin // URL: https://www.csr.ru/issledovaniya/tsifrovoj-perehod-v-elektroenergetike-
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