Welcome address of A.A. Pakhomov, Director of the Department of Law-Making Activities and Human Resource Development of the Ministry of Energy of Russia
Welcome address of A.A. Pakhomov, Director of the Department of Law-Making Activities and Human Resource Development of the Ministry of Energy of Russia
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1 Dear colleagues,
2 I am happy to welcome all the participants of the scientific and practical round table discussion The Development and Distribution of Breakthrough Technologies in the Fuel and Energy Complex and the Legal Regulation Tasks held within the framework of the Moscow Legal Week.
3 Scientific and practical events for lawyers of the fuel and energy complex are taking place on a regular basis irrespective of the complicated sanitary and epidemiological situation. We use all possible formats allowing specialists to participate. I am glad that famous
4 lawyers, as well as young scientists and practicing lawyers, take part in the event. The round table files will be published in the Energy Law Forum journal that has become a professional discussion venue for scientists and practicians.
5 The subject selected for the scientific and practical event is not accidental. Firstly, it is determined by the fact that the implementation of strategic tasks of application of breakthrough technologies in the fuel and energy complex demands extensive statutory support, secondly, the systemic development of the legal regulation in energetics requires specialized personnel.
6 The Ministry of Energy of Russia is carrying out active law-making activities, and it is important for us to maintain constructive cooperation with scientists, the expert community, practicians, since we are all interested in ensuring the high level and efficiency of the legal regulation in the fuel and energy complex.
7 The discussion issues brought up by the participants are closely related to the tasks stipulated by the documents on strategic planning in energetics: The Energy Security Doctrine of the Russian Federation approved by Order of the President of the Russian Federation No. 216 of May 13, 2019, the Energy Strategy of Russia for the Period until 2035 approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1523-р of June 9, 2020.
8 Pursuant to Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 2749-р of October 24, 2020, the period of implementation of the Main Areas of the State Policy in Raising the Energy Efficiency of the Electric Power Industry Based on the Use of Renewable Energy Sources was extended until 2035.
9 The Directive of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 2634-р of October 12, 2020 approved the action plan The Development of Hydrogen Energetics in the Russian Federation until 2024.
10 The issues of legal regulation in the use of renewable energy sources, hydrogen energetics, unmanned vehicles, network technologies in the electric power industry including active-adaptive networks, distributed generation, energy efficient technologies, etc. deserve special attention. It would be correct to carry out joint events on many of the indicated issues to develop the most acceptable legal regulation models.
11 I wish health and success to all the participants of the scientific and practical round table discussion!

Director of the Department of Law-Making Activities and Human Resource Development of the Ministry of Energy of Russia

A.A. Pakhomov


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