About the “Energy Law Forum” Journal

The International scientific and practical journal "Energy Law Forum" is a peer-reviewed periodical devoted to various theoretical and practical issues of energy law.

The Journal "Energy Law Forum" is a discussion platform for publishing articles and discussing various problematic aspects of legal regulation in the field of energy.

Among the authors of the Journal are representatives of the scientific, judicial, expern communities, of government agencies, practicing lawyers, experts working in various sectors of energy, etc.

The Journal is also open for publication of articles of researchers, teachers of higher educational institutions, post-graduates, doctoral students who study the problems of energy law, practicing lawyers, specialists of the fuel and energy complex with higher education.

Articles of the journal are addressed to Russian and foreign professional, scientific and practicing readers.

The journal is published in print and electronic form in Russian and English.

Objectives of the Journal "Energy Law Forum":

  • publication of articles containing the results of research (fundamental and applied) works of scientific-pedagogical staff, teaching staff, leading and young scientists, specialists of fuel and energy complex, practicing lawyers, specialists at universities and scientific organizations of Russia and countries of the near and far abroad;
  • Creating an atmosphere of open scientific debate, which would contribute to the further improvement of the quality and efficiency of research and to the improvement of expert examination of scientific papers;
  • ensuring transparency of the process and results of various research teams, scientific schools and the maximum possibility of familiarizing Russian and foreign scientists with them;
  • promotion of scientific achievements in the field of jurisprudence in Russia and abroad;
  • to generate constant, sustainable interest among scientific and scientific-pedagogical community, as well as among young and novice scientists and practitioners to the journal, its relevance in professional circles of lawyers in different regions of Russia and abroad.

Main Sections

  • Fundamental problems of the energy law;
  • Legal provision of energy security in the Russian Federation and abroad;
  • Legal ensuring of balance of interests of suppliers and consumers of energy resources;
  • Legal regime of energy resources;
  • Legal regime of energy objects;
  • Legal status of subjects of the energy markets;
  • Contractual regulation in the sphere of energy;
  • Public-legal regulation in the sphere of energy;
  • International legal regulation in the field of energy;
  • Trends in gas law development;
  • Trends in development of oil law;
  • Trends in development of nuclear law;
  • Trends in development of electric power law;
  • Problems of legal regulation in specific areas of power industry;
  • Legal regulation of greenhouse gas emissions reduction, implementation of climate change projects;
  • Legal regulation of exchange trade in energy resources;
  • Problematic aspects of judicial practice in settling disputes with energy market participants.

Founder of the Journal

Autonomous non-profit organization "Musin Energy Law and Modern Legal Science Center".

Publisher of the Journal

Autonomous non-profit organization "Musin Energy Law and Modern Legal Science Center"

Address: 123112, Moscow, Presnenskaya Naberezhnaya, 12, office 5012

E-mail: musinlc@musinlc.ru

Phone numbers: 8 (800) 600-36-43; +7 (495) 150-75-69

Web site: https://musinlc.ru/

The "Energy Legal Forum" Journal has been published since 2014.



ISSN (Print)2312-4350

ISSN (Online)2782-6902

Certificates of Mass Media Registration


ПИ № ФС 77 - 83276 of May 12, 2022


ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 83307 of May 12, 2022


Russian Scientific Citation Index

Recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission under the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation for publication of basic results of PhD and doctor theses.