Editorial Council

Georgy K. Avornik, rector of the University of political and economic European knowledge of the name "Konstantina Stere", doctor of jurisprudence, professor;

Victor V. Blazheev, the cochairman of Association of lawyers of Russia, the rector of the Moscow state legal university of O.E. Kutafin (MGYuA), the president of the Court of Arbitration for Sport at the Russian Olympic Committee Moscow, the chairman of Legal committee of RFU, the vice-chairman of Public council at the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the Honored lawyer of the Russian Federation, Candidate of Law Sciences, professor;

Vladimir A. Bublik, rector of the Ural state legal university, doctor of jurisprudence, professor;

Vladislav V. Grib, the editor-in-chief of the Publishing Lawyer group, Head of the Legal Foundations of Management Department of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, Vice-President the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation, the member of Presidium of Association of lawyers of Russia, the vice-president of Federal chamber of lawyers, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Education, the doctor of jurisprudence, professor, the Honored lawyer of the Russian Federation;

Mikhail I. Kleandrov, chief researcher of the sector of the enterprise right of Institute of the state and right of RAS, corresponding member of RAS, doctor of jurisprudence, professor;

Nikolay M. Kropachev, the rector of St. Petersburg State University, the chairman of Interregional office of Association of lawyers of Russia across St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region, the member of presidium of Association of lawyers of Russia, the doctor of jurisprudence, professor;

Andrey G. Lisitsyn-Svetlanov , chief researcher of the sector of legal problems of the international and economic relations of Institute of the state and right of RAS, academician of RAS, doctor of jurisprudence, professor;

Sergey V. Maksimov, Institute of Problems of Science Development of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Dr. Sci. (Law), professor;

Nikolay I. Mikhaylov, chief of scientific and organizational management of the Russian Academy of Sciences, doctor of jurisprudence, professor;

Valery A. Musin, corresponding member of RAS, doctor of jurisprudence , professor, Honored worker of science of the Russian Federation;

Vladimir F. Popondopulo, head of the department of the commercial right of law department of St. Petersburg State University, doctor of jurisprudence, professor, Honored worker of science of the Russian Federation;

Roza N. Saliyeva, head of the laboratory of legal problems of subsurface use, ecology and fuel and energy complex Public scientific budgetary institution "Academies of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan" (Institute of environmental problems and subsurface use), doctor of jurisprudence, professor;

Oleg M. Sviridenko, Deputy Minister of Justice of Russia, doctor of jurisprudence, Honored lawyer of the Russian Federation;

Ildar A. Tarkhanov, research supervisor of law department FGAOOU WAUGH "The Kazan (Volga) federal university" (Kazan), doctor of jurisprudence, professor, Honored lawyer of the Republic of Tatarstan, Honored lawyer of the Russian Federation;

Yuri V. Truntsevsky, Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization V. A. Musin Research Centre for the Development of Energy Law and Modern Legal Science, Dr. Sci. (Law), professor;

Anton A. Ustinov, chairman of the board of JSC SOGAZ, Adviser to the President of the Russian Federation valid state adviser of the Russian Federation 2 classes, Candidate of Law Sciences;

Maria V. Frommann, research scientist of the bureau of professor F.J. Säcker, doctor of jurisprudence, LL.M;

Natalya A. Shevelyova, acting as manager of department of the administrative and financial law of St. Petersburg State University, doctor of jurisprudence, professor;

Dmitry V. Shumkov, doctor of jurisprudence, professor;

Veniamin F. Yakovlev, the Adviser to the President of the Russian Federation on legal questions, the corresponding member of RAS, the doctor of jurisprudence, professor;

Handrlica Jakub, associate professor of the department of administrative law of the law faculty, Charles University in Prague, doctor of jurisprudence , associate professor;

Oleg A. Yastrebov , Head of the Law Institute of the RUDN University , the Head of the Department of the Administrative and Financial Law of the RUDN University , the doctor of juridical sciences, the doctor of economic sciences, professor;

Wilfried Bergmann, board member of Petersburger Dialog e.V. (the registered union "St. Petersburg dialogue"), the deputy chairman of the board of Deutsch-Russisches Forum e.V. (the registered union "German-Russian forum"), the doctor of jurisprudence, professor;

William Elliott Butler, teacher of Pennsylvania State University (USA), doctor of jurisprudence, professor;

Kim Talus, Professor and Director of the Department of Energy Law, Tulane Center for Energy Law, Tulane University of Louisiana (USA), Professor of European Economic and Energy Law at the UEF School of Law at the University of Eastern Finland, Professor of Energy Law at the University of Helsinki, Doctor of Law, Professor;

Raphael James Heffron, Professor in Global Energy Law & Sustainability & Jean Monnet, Professor in the Just Transition to a Low-Carbon Economy Centre for Energy, Petroleum and Mineral Law and Policy, University of Dundee, UK;

Franz Jürgen Säcker, executive director of Institute of the power right and state regulation (Berlin), doctor of jurisprudence, professor.